Friday, May 23, 2008

More Season Finale Grades -- The Report Card Continued

The following three season finales all score a world class C-/D+

All three shows had good to excellent creative seasons.
All three shows were hitting their stride post-strike.
All three shows served up brutal unbelievable season finale stinkers.


So let me get this straight, Katherine left her abusive husband the police officer and town to get away from him, then came back to town again a few years later thinking he wouldn't notice (what being a police officer and all). Then he comes to visit the daughter and after he leaves, in a terrible tragic accident, she climbs the furniture to grab a doll and gets crushed and dies. Katherine then decides the best approach here is to bury her, get another daughter as a replacement from Romania, and then raise her as the same kid. BUT WAIT, there's more....then years later she decides it is ok to come back again to the SAME HOUSE in the SAME TOWN where her husband is STILL A COP -- and it only took him 9 months to find them. And the only reason he is still stalking his Ex is so he can see his kid, who by the way is really dead in the back yard. Did I lose you yet? Yeah? Thought so.

I bet you thought I was going to rip the finale for taking us five years into the future starting next season. If anything, I applaud the effort. I can't wait to see if they can pull it off and make it work. Creatively, the show has nothing left to give in the present - I look forward to this decision.


So let me get this straight, Rebecca is NOT the Walker child fathered out-of-wedlock by William Walker with the first name beginning with 'R'. It is someone else? So William Walker had two affairs, had two love children, and BOTH of them have a name starting with 'R' (Rebecca and Ryan). Well, it turns out Rebecca is not the daughter which means her and Justin can now make out. Which is wierd, because seeing them kiss wierded me out more than Kevin and Scotty's 'commitment ceremony' kiss (not that there is anything wrong with that). But seriously -- another Walker kid needs to be found for next season? Jesus Christ, what a joke. I will miss Steven Weber and assume they will phase Rob Lowe out or make him permanent at this point...

So let me get this straight, the serial killer we have been following all season has an apprentice and it turns out to be Zach? Sorry, not buying it - no one is. We get it, Zach is a loner and might be easily swayed or talked into something...oh wait, he wouldn't -- he is Zach, the smartest person in the world who examines the dead for a living and solves crimes -- he is not going to be swayed by some guy with a flesh eating fettish. Goodbye Zach, I wish they would have written you a more suitable ending and then made Sweets the bad guy -- at least that made sesne and we all thought we saw it coming. But taking a 180 in the last hour of the season and putting it on Zach in the last five minutes was weak. Sorry. Thanks for playing.
Also this, faking Booth's death to catch a predator who had gone underground? Fine. Having Booth be the one to catch him at his own funeral? Weak. Having Booth suffering no ill effects from being shot in the chest one week earlier? Cheap writing. I love this show -- please come back with better crap than that.

Have a good holiday everyone -- see you for the Fall Schedule breakdown and LOST recap next week.

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