Thursday, October 18, 2007

TPIR and other thoughts....

Any daytimers out on OP-EDTV land seen the new Price is Right with Drew Carey? I am going to have to TIVO that thing to see whats going on. Do you think they left everything the same including the cheap set and long microphone? Or do you think they gave it the 'Millionaire/Deal' makeover with a dark set, big lights, and loud music? If someone has seen - let us know. We need to know.

I read an article where the author was commenting on how Olberman's show 'Countdown' on MSNBC which one could call the cure for 'The O'Reilly Factor' has been rising in viewers and has either caught up with, or passed, the once untouchable zone with no spin. The author concludes the reason must be the Countdown format - 5 top stories and worst person in the world segment. Yeah...that's the reason people are watching Keith -- the format. No one should ever call the media liberal ever again.

Can someone please tell me what the CW stands for? I don't think they have answered this one yet. Hang on, I am going to google it.....nope - they don't know either. The stock is worth $600+ and they don't know.

Tonight is The Office and 30 Rock. Color me fired up. This is the last 60 minute Office for some time. And hopefully the first funny 30 Rock.

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