Friday, April 3, 2009

Life On Mars: Final Thoughts

I should really keep milking this whole 'Life on Mars' epilogue bit -- I had my highest click rate ever yesterday...the internets were buzzing with anger, frustration, and a general need to find some kind of closure. I hope people found the solace they were looking for. After all, it's just TV -- even I know that.

I tuned into 'ER' last night for the finale, I FF'd through 99% of it, watched a few scenes, and then enjoyed the ending -- a long running show like 'ER', with no major revelations or mythology can easily go out with a nice, simple fade-out and everyone will be happy. But what is going to happen when the final black-screen drops on 'Lost'? It's going to be a nightmare on the world wide webs. Whatever they come up will never satisfy lets buy some extra bandwidth and get ready for next May.

Lauren DVR'd two new sitcoms on ABC Family: 'Roommates' and 'Sophie'. We also then tried 'In the Motherhood'. Final verdict on all three? Crap, Crappier, and Crappiest. Wow, makes you appreciate when a new show can actually get you to invest in 1-2 episodes. All three of these shows were so bad I almost wanted to cry and give 'Better of Ted' an Emmy just because I was able to sit through two episodes. Sorry ABC Family, I love me some 'Greek' but the rest of your programming so far doesn't do it for me. I will say this about 'Roommates', if someone wanted to make the world's worst rip off of 'Friends' - this one is it. Mazel.

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