Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lost Primer

Last week I said that the two bracelets on Lost must be the same or be connected since they focused on it so much. Turns out, I was was just a style 'thing'

DAMON LINDELOF: Naomi's bracelet in the Sayid episode is a key point here. I got some e-mails from people who wondered if there was a connection between Naomi's bracelet and the bracelet worn by the woman Sayid killed in his flash-forward. There is no connective tissue. Sometimes a bracelet is just a bracelet. We just thought it would be a cool emotional touchstone for Sayid; Elsa's bracelet reminds him of Naomi. But some people interpreted that, ''Is there something more there?'' We might need to address that.

To read the entire interview with Damon about last week and this season, paste this link into your browser -- spoilers are saved until the end so you can read the interview and not get screwed:,,20179125_2,00.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great interview... but honestly, why would they put the bracelet in there for style only? They know there are tons of people who watch entire episodes frame by frame to look for clues, but they didn't think fans will assume theres a connection when these ladies have on identical bracelets? Come on.