Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Short Week

I feel I owe it to myself and my 3 readers an update of what's going on this week.

SUNDAY: Watched the final 'Brothers and Sisters' until the strike is over. I am glad this was the last one, because I need a break from the Walkers. I figured this show out -- 3 weeks of problems escalating in a climactic dinner at the Walker's house where it all comes down. Tired. Also, Rob Lowe can not be President as I don't see Kitty moving to the White House, so lets stop making him the second coming of Jed Bartlett. The man can do no wrong...its getting old.

MONDAY: Left over episode of 'Notes from the Underbelly' -- this show pretty much sucks. The characters are unlikeable, the story lines are ridiculous, and the only saving grace is Jennifer Westfelt (sp?) who rocks.

MONDAY PART 2: The remains of Cashmere Mafia week 2. I was ready to call it quits after 2 episodes, but the introduction of Krista Allen as a stay-at-home bitch mom and her fight with one of the mafia girls was quite entertaining -- one more week for me as probation continues.

TUESDAY: Family Guy. Awesome. Funny. Rude. Offensive. I laughed a lot at Stewie playing the cool high school kid a la 'One Tree Hill'

TUESDAY PART 2: I watched my first episode of the Wire ever. This could become my new favorite show, more on that later -- I am still processing its greatness.

Idol did 33 million last night -- but it won't do me. Never.

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