Friday, November 30, 2007

30 Rocks Scrub Rodgers

And so the headline explains my Thursday night....

Packers v. Cowboys: When it was 27-10 and old man Favre went down, it looked like the game was over and the $5.99 I paid for NFL network for the night would be for naught. But then the Aaron Rodgers audtion tape started and the next thing you know -- it's a great game, down to the end. From a fantasy standpoint the game was a disaster for me in all 3 leagues I play in, but it was some solid football.
If you are a Packer fan, you have to be psyched that even though you lost, you saw your future it was pretty darn good. I think the kids call that a moral victory.
Quick note on Bryant Gumble -- he sucks. Plain and simple, and I am not alone on this. Actually, I would like to meet someone who thinks he does a good job at play-by-play. Are there any? He is so fucking terrible its almost hard to watch. Thank goodness for Cris Collinsworth. NFL Network has to make a change. All 13 people who were able to see the game will agree with me.

Scrubs: Great episode, love giant black doctor. And the whole bit with JD and Turk and their kids was outstanding. I have found myself doing similar things when my kids were infants, so it was fun to watch on television. Catch it if you can.

30 Rock: As usual, sheer genuis and pretty damn funny too. Comparing the mess in Iraq with taking over a little league team was very well done, and Kenneth and Tracy were great. I love Alec Baldwin more and more every week.

A loyal reader passed along this link to me -- its about the 30 Rock reference to Verizon product placement from a few weeks ago. Turns out, Verizon liked it a lot.


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