Monday, November 12, 2007

Ladies Night

A couple random thoughts from this past weekend...

A plug for 'Heidi's', a new restaurant on 50th and Bryant owned by my buddy's sister and her chef husband Stuart Woodman. His food is fantastic and the restaurant is really cute, and pretty much a complete and total 180 from the last place - Five - which was big, loud, splashy and expensive. 'Heidi's' food was so good, so well priced for a gourmet meal, and a great experience. End of plug.

Much like Heroes second season, Desperate Housewives second season, and Lost's second season - the sequel to 'Adrian Peterson runs all over everyone and the Vikings dominate' was very disappointing on Sunday. They need new writers.

There is a lot to read on the Writers Strike if you are interested. Here are two good links:

We watched DH and B+S last night. They both dealt with drug addiction and confrontation. One of them involved puking and shaking and withdrawl...oh wait, that was me watching this crap.
I swear to god B+S did a surprise intervention with yelling episode last year -- oh well, whatever works I guess. At this point, I would just like all of them to shut up and have a normal day. In THREE episodes we have seen a divorce and custody battle play out and then get reversed, a husband start and end an affair, a drug addiction start and end, a pregnancy followed by a miscarriage, a gay relationship turn toward an affair, and a closeted homosexual of 40+ years come out of the closet to his sister. Did I catch it all? I think so.

I am all caught up on my Law and Order:SVU in preparation for the sweeps stunt of the decade tomorrow night. If the previews didn't ruin it for you, then I am not going to. You can go in blind.

The FX show Damages was just renewed for 2 more 13-episode seasons.

In case you didn't know, the writers strike does not affect cartoons. Isn't that odd -- different union.

I miss Jon Stewart and Colbert -- come back soon. Although per the articles above, it doesn't seem all that likely.

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