Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mad Men Marathon

We had about 3 or 4 episodes of Mad Men left to go from this summer/fall and they were removed from the DVR because they can also be found in OnDemand. Well last night turned into a major fire drill. I randomly checked to see how many episodes we had left -- which was 3 -- and found out they would be coming off OnDemand on the 8th. That would be today.
I sounded the emergency television signal and Lauren immediately came running to the family room with sodas and assorted snacks from Trader Joes. Needless to say, we did it. Thank god. We made it and before the clock hit midnight. What a victory for the little guy.
Mad Men is a fantastic show. If they rerun it or it comes to DVD, you should watch it.
Last night, we saw Kennedy come from behind and beat Nixon. I already knew that was going to happen due to some early public school education, but it was still very exciting. Also Don Draper showed us how the 'old-fashioned' slide projector may have been named the 'Carousel' during an awesome pitch to the Kodak company.

I watched Big Bang Theory again this week -- those guys are way to whiny and annoying for this show to have any legs. They are really going to have to tone down the dork if I am going to keep watching. That scene in the Chineese Restaurant was so difficult to watch as Sheldon tried to break down how they were going to order and split the dumplings when there were only 3 people at the table.

The first ever award goes to....James Hong

You know James as 'that Chineese guy who plays the old Chineese guy' in pretty much every TV show and movie ever made. He was the waiter this week on Big Bang Theory in the Chineese restaurant -- not to be confused with his epic role as the host at the Chineese Restaurant in the famous episode of Seinfeld.........'Cartright 4'
It looks like James has been busy playing Chineese restaurant employees, Chineese bad guys, and Chineese doctors.
Congrats to James Hong.

What was your favorite James Hong role? Let us know....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite Hong role was that of Snotty in the Revenge of the Nerds II.