Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Debut of Conan

The critics are unanimous, Conan's new Tonight Show is a 'work-in-progress'. Wow, they really stepped out on a limb with this one. I was surprised they didn't call it polished and television perfection. I assume most of them turned in their column before the show aired.

I know, I know, there really is no other review -- but its just funny because they have to do it, and the obligatory default thesis is 'work-in-progress' -- what else could it be?

I liked it. It's a work-in-progress.

The first full week+ of no new TV has been an interesting one filled with reading, parenting, baseball and more baseball. And now that 'Baseball Tonight' on ESPN pretty much runs live all night, every night on the MLB Network in the form of three different shows with three different names that are all on the same set with the same talking heads -- my plate is full.

This summer I will look forward to the burn-off episodes of 'Dirty/Sexy/Money' and one or two new shows on TNT. We still have a full season of L+O: Criminal Intent, the season finale of the other to Law and Orders, the remaining episodes of 'Greek' and I believe Lauren and I are going to try the first two seasons of 'Friday Night Lights'.

1 comment:

dav3 said...

I hadn't read much about it before it hit, but I was really surprised by Andy being back. Where's my Maldo take on that??