Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Who's a Genius?

Turns out my 'Gossip Girl' prediction of Lily and Rufus having a love child that Rufus didn't know about that sent Lily to the crazy house was pretty much what everyone thought. So I am not as smart as I thought - but I have still been around long enough to predict the outcome of teen drama plots weeks before they happen.

I think the night in college, while sitting in the Towers watching 'Melrose Place', when a very dead Kimberly showed up in the last scene looking at Michael's house is when it all came together for me. The older you get, the better your plot beacon becomes. If you are 15 years old though? That Liliy-Rufus news blew your mind.

So basically I watch the same TV shows as 15 year-olds. No wonder my parents continue to shame me for not watching NCIS: Geriatric Ward and Boston Legal.

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