Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It All Adds cake

Do you watch 'Numbers', I mean 'Numb3rs'? I do. I think it is on Fridays, well, I know its on Friday, but I am trying to make a point -- who cares when its on, some nights I open the DVR like a refrigerator looking for some awesome leftovers, or maybe someone magically put some cold cuts in the meat drawer, or perhaps a rogue cake has taken up residence on a shelf...mmmm....cake. Well that's 'Numbers'. When its there, its like cake. Easy going down, doesn't hurt at all, a pleasant surprise you didn't expect.

I watched one last night because nothing else looked appealing at midnight...should I crack open this season of Earl? Nah....Should I watch Oliva Benson save another rape victim? Too late for that...should I go downstairs and watch 'Fringe'? I knew I should be double recording that one upstairs too....damn. And then there it is -- I like Rob Morrow, I like Dave Krumholtz, I like the FBI dudes, I like the storylines, and it makes me feel smart. Yeah, it does - even though its all bull shit and I retain none of it.

So watch 'Numbers' and enjoy some cake.

Random 'Numbers' trivia nugget....Charlie's girlfriend on Numbers is the same woman who played Ryan's old girlfriend on the O.C. Why is this interesting you ask? It is interesting because on Numbers she is Indian (like from India) and on the O.C. she was hispanic. Wah? A little digging and I found out she is....Indian. I am sure it must have been thrilling for her to break into television as an Indian-American actress only to be cast as a hispanic. And vice-versa, it must be quite enjoyable for out of work latino actresses to see the Indian girl playing them. Just ask those two hot out-of-work latino girls from 'The Nine'...speaking of which, one of them was on 'Numbers' last week...and we've come full circle.

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