Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lost is Still Awesome

To be completely honest with you, two things are keeping me down right now and preventing me from writing a full blown-novel:

1. My frickin' job is keeping me busy

2. My client's network occassionally blocking out Blogspot. Its never consistent either. Some days I have full access, other days it tells me that if I keep clicking on my own blog I am going to trigger some internal audit. Damn you IT Security.

So in short, the rules have all be rewritten, I have no idea what the hell is going on and who these people are that Ben is hanging out with. I have no idea why Locke has to come back and die. I have no idea who is firing arrows on fire at our losties. I have no idea what year it is on the island. I have no idea how....well, I think that is the point. The show basically started over again and I love every second of it.
What's with evil angry Sun?
Who wants Kate's paternity test?
Who works in the butcher shop?
How old is Daniel Farrady?
What the fuck is going on?

Welcome back.

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