Friday, November 21, 2008


DirtySexyMoney -- not picked up beyond initial 13 episodes.

Pushing Daises - not picked up beyond initial 13 episodes.

Eli Stone - not picked up beyond initial 13 episodes.

None are cancelled, but none will see air time beyond January/February 2009.

The odds of them coming back next year? Probably not so good.

I don't think DSM was ever going to get back on track, I do like the show but I won't miss it.
I think Pushing Daises will be a great DVD watch, and the whole series will end being like 20 episodes which is a nice palatable number.
I didn't watch Eli Stone, but I am sad to think Katie Holmes won't be making a return, or George Michael for that matter.
I have been told to get back into Chuck -- perhaps there is no time like the present.

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