Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Best Political Team on Television

It's my own personal dream-team, and the recipe goes like this:

Over the course of 6 hours give me:

3 hours of ABC and NBC -- real 'hardcore' network news / I enjoyed their coverage and their anchors equally. I also enjoyed the giant Chuck Todd green-screen US Map and Greek Columns motif.

1 hour of MSNBC -- I love me some Keith and Rachel
1 hour of CNN -- I just love the top-of-the-hour projections-by-state like its Deal or No Deal

15 minutes of CBS -- for purely intentional comedy and sadness
30 minutes of Northwest Community Television -- I love me some school referendum updates
15 minutes of Comedy Central -- funny, but I will watch the rest tonight or tomorrow.

15 minutes of FOX News at the end of the night to see Rove and Coulter talk about how big of a D-Bag McCain is and how this election was unwinnable because of it.

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