Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lost Thoughts: Exclusive Breakdown from A.K.

Semi-famous Lost-theorist and man of Claven-like knowledge of worthless facts has agreed to spew his Lost theories exclusively for us here at Op-EdTV. So enjoy the mind of A.K., and if he is even remotely close, we are in for some incredible reveals...

Without further ado:
In the temple... that was an image of the smoke monster approaching Anubis, the Egyptian god of the underworld. He is the "Protector of the Dead." I think that explains why, in the smoke, people see images of dead people. I think it also explains the whispers that people hear, which was brought up again last night by Ben to Rousseau. I think that the smoke monster is some kind of tool or servant of Anubis. I think that the four-toed statue is also Anubis.

Other ideas based off of this that I am just guessing about... What we thought was the temple, is just the walls around the temple to hide it, according to Ben. I think the real temple is a pyramid, and based on the time-traveling existence outside of time, I am guessing that it is a fully intact ancient pyramid like those at Giza, but untouched by time. That will be a big visual reveal at some point in time.

Ilana and Caesar (who I don't think is really dead) are two of many that were on the Ajira flight. "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" was their security call to identify the others on the flight that Widmore had hired. If you answered it correctly, they knew you were one of them. They found the Others stash of weapons (because Ben knew what was in the box). Did Widmore tell them what and where to look? I don't know. I thought he was gone before they established a presence on that island, but maybe not). Either way, the weapons were on the side-island and they knew where to find them.

I think that Widmore hired a little mercenary team to be on that flight with the Oceanix Six to help him in getting back to the island. That being said, I think Ilana and Caesar have their own interests in mind. Their physical appearances say Egyptian to me. (Widmore hired Charlotte and Faraday too. They may have been working for him, but they had their own reasons to get back to the island.)

To let me get further carried away...Jacob is Ra, and Richard is Thoth. Check this out for support ( Thoth was the "heart and tongue of Ra" the god of all gods in Egypt. And the means by which Ra spoke. Sounds like Richard. In and of himself not very powerful, but acts as the mouth of the supreme being.

Strangely enough, next week's episode is titled "Some Like It Hoth" (not Thoth), but that seems like a weird title for the episode. The most obvious reference would be Empire Strikes Back (so maybe it's just a throw-away Hurley line).


And there you have. Exclusive. Mind boggling.

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