Saturday, April 25, 2009

Goodbye Bea Arthur

Although this rarely came up in conversation, nor did I ever start discourse with this information, but let it be known, that I enjoyed Bea Arthur. As a kid, I watched her on Golden Girls every Saturday night for several years - and she was the one who resonated with me (in a 'if I had to pick a third grandma' kind of way). I know Betty White (Rose) was the one from Minnesota, but not my Minnesota -- nope, it was Bea Arthur's style that struck a nerve with me. She was tough, funny, no-nonsense, and very funny.

Later in life, Bea Arthur became known to me as the target of one of the best, nastiest, meanest, dirtiest, and awesomest Comedy Central Roast jokes of all time. I am not going to repeat it, but Google 'Jeffrey Ross + Bea Arthur' and you'll see it. She didn't enjoy it too much up on the stage, but she took the joke -- she was a nice lady.

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