Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lost Breakdown

You love him, you hate him. You agree, you disagree...either way it's good reading. Here he is again -- our exclusive Lostologist, AK.
Take it away AK:

Widmore being Daniel's dad... I always assumed that. I didn't think that realization was all that impactful. It was interesting that his mom sent him back knowing that she was going to shoot him. I do wonder if she will end up being the baddest of the bad guys.

I still support my previous prediction on how the series is going to end, and I think the details of last night continue to support that:

Way back in season one there was all of this talk about how there were two flight 815s. Just like last night, all of these scenes that Faraday kept looping back into; the series will end with the Lost survivors from the second time around getting back onto the plane. They will have corrected (actually probably "mostly corrected") the timeline that set everything in motion and they will come back to Australia caught up in the repetition of past events that will be re-occuring again. But this time, some people that were on flight 815 the first time will not be there: Shannon, Boone, Charlie, Eko, Libby, Ana Lucia... (Supported by Faraday's comment last night that any of them can die.) They may even do a montage, showing 815a with the old footage of the original crashers boarding (nostalgia-style); and intersplice that with the new footage of the surviving crashers boarding flight 815b...

And in true Lost form, I am hoping they end with the show with an unanswered question -- is the plane going to land in LA as it was supposed to? They fixed most of the problems, but not all of them? And perhaps as Faraday stated that the survivors were the variables, now that some of the variables are gone (i.e., dead) will that cause different things to occur the second go-round on flight 815b? Maybe the plane will still crash again and restart the whole cycle?

I hope I am wrong, because what has made Lost so great for me, is that I can never predict what is going to happen. But the scenario I described above seems so much like where they are planning on going with this.

I'm bummed that Faraday is dead, though. And am a bit skeptical of the clip for next week where they are looking at Faraday's journal and say "if we can just do everything that is written in this journal..." This guy mastered time travel and is Mr. Brilliant, and we're too believe that he took such good notes in legible handwriting that are written in laymen's terms, that they are going to be able to follow it? Isn't that kind of like giving someone a handwritten copy of Grey's Anatomy (the book, not the TV show) and expecting them to be able to perform a heart transplant?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Workout Problem?

I visited a gym last night that I don't belong to. I was there to play tennis, but stayed to run. Yeah, you know me and my hardcore training regiment. If it makes you feel better, I had DQ on the way home.

Anyway, I noticed that this particular large publicly traded health club had about 12 TVs playing near the equipment. 1 had ESPN, 4 had Lifetime, 1 had FOX News, and a couple had CNN or ABC or CBS or something like that...

No Twins game. No NBA playoff game. Look, I get it, gyms are made for the ladies too - but no sports other than a gimmie-ESPN TV? Really? And for that reason alone, I would never join this gym - not in this 'Lifetime' -- by the way, that pun is funny for at least two reasons.

Everyone needs something from their clubs -- some need hot people to motivate them. Some need high monthly dues to justify their attendance. Some like free towels -- I like to run to the Twins games. So I'm out. Nice visit though. I will continue to work out at home for free with my 10 year old Treadmill and 13 year old tube TV.

I couldn't finish my full run. Some call it laziness. I think I was just protesting. I'd go back back for the tennis though. Thanks Dad.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Where is the Brothers and Sisters love they ask....

Until Donald Trump is done crowning Brande Roderick the Celebrity Apprentice for the off-chance he can get in her pants, 'B+S' is relegated to Tuesday night viewing status.

On the levels of water-cooler must-see-night-of status, here is the current order:

1. Lost
2. 24
3. Celebrity Apprentice
4. The Office
5. 30 Rock
6. Fringe
7. Housewives (you never know who is gonna die prompting USA Today to run a headline)
8. Gossip Girl
9. Everything else, since most shows are not headline or internet spoiler-gossip worthy at this point.


set up episode for the big finish:
-The return of Choloe and CTU computers
-We now know who the bad guy is - sort of - a consortium of military-for-hire leaders
-I wonder if we will learn more about the woman organizer who is with Tony
-What is wrong with Tony?
-Renee cleans up very quickly I noticed
-the President's daughter is crazy, means well I think, but is crazy

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Goodbye Bea Arthur

Although this rarely came up in conversation, nor did I ever start discourse with this information, but let it be known, that I enjoyed Bea Arthur. As a kid, I watched her on Golden Girls every Saturday night for several years - and she was the one who resonated with me (in a 'if I had to pick a third grandma' kind of way). I know Betty White (Rose) was the one from Minnesota, but not my Minnesota -- nope, it was Bea Arthur's style that struck a nerve with me. She was tough, funny, no-nonsense, and very funny.

Later in life, Bea Arthur became known to me as the target of one of the best, nastiest, meanest, dirtiest, and awesomest Comedy Central Roast jokes of all time. I am not going to repeat it, but Google 'Jeffrey Ross + Bea Arthur' and you'll see it. She didn't enjoy it too much up on the stage, but she took the joke -- she was a nice lady.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

DVR Status

Here is what is in the pipeline as of today:

CSI: Miami (1)
Dollhouse (6)
Fringe (3)
My Name is Earl (10)
Law and Order:CI (1, season premiere)
Numbers (1)
Trust Me (5 - through the series finale)
Better off Ted (3)
Parks and Recreation (1)
Greek (1)
Rules of Engagement (1)
College Life (MTV show about Freshman at UW-Madison) (2)

I have a lot of ground to cover -- this whole day job and parenting is really getting in the way I guess. Just kidding, but I plan to get through this list by the end of the summer...

I did however NOT ENJOY THE FAKE LOST "NEW" RECAP EPISODE LAST NIGHT. Come on ABC, don't tell me I will see things from a whole new angle. We're 'Lost' viewers, we're not that dumb. Just say recap show. That being said, I am fired up for a big finish this year.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Will Your Favorite Show Survive?

Gary Levin from USAToday is a great reporter and he did the work for us.

Here you go

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Live Blogging the Desperate Housewives

8:45 PM: Might as well start watching - mostly out of habit.

8:49 PM: Edie is dead.

8:52 PM: Boring. I am going to FF through this show tonight.

8:59 PM: All right, caught up to live Housewives. Great episode!

I honestly used to hate recap episodes -- its a staple of the 80's, right? Remember when you'd sit down to watch 'Family Ties' and it was just the Keaton family sitting down to reminisce through season 1-4? Yeah - that sucked.

Do you know what sucks worse? Flashback/Recap shows with stuff that NEVER HAPPENED ON THE SHOW!! Yeah it happened in the past, but only because they decided it did. And this isn't 'Lost' -- so its really just a waste of time. Plot advancement? Nope.

- Watched two episodes of 'Bones' -- I love this show.

- Started two episodes of 'Surviving Suburbia' with Bob Saget. IT SUCKED. We bagged each one about 8 minutes in. It was awful. Truly.

- Watched 'Gary Unmarried' -- fell asleep.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday Thoughts

I am excited for 'Lost' tonight as always. Honestly, the weeks seem to be flying by right now. Every time I turn around it's Wednesday. How is this happening? Where is the little girl I carried? Where is the little boy at play? I don't remember growing older? When did they?

Eight weeks ago I told you that the worst words on television were 'Fringe will return in April with new episodes'. Meanwhile, I now have two stored up the DVR -- so I must not have been THAT EXCITED for it to come back. Or maybe FOX should take a hint and not take 6 week breaks between episodes. I moved on. For now. As soon as I free up some time I will dive right back in and I am excited for the big reveal that Leonard Nimoy is coming on board in the finale.

This week I watch 'HIMYM' and 'TBBT'. Still love them both. It's been odd with Robin and Lily's real-life pregnancies dominating the show -- you just can't take it seriously knowing they are both hiding pregnancies. The writers have done a tremendous job though letting us in on the joke, and I have really appreciated that self reflexive angle. I think my only complaint is that Ted needs to get a job.
'Big Bang' is just killing it right now.

I saw that 'SVU' was renewed but no deals are in place for Hargitay/Maloney. I say PAY THEM NBC -- it's your highest rated show and right now you dedicate 4 out of 21 hours per week to 'Biggest Loser' and 'Celebrity Apprentice'. You suck. And next season you are dropping your Primetime hours to 14. YOU SUCK NBC. I also did not like 'Parks and Rec' -- but the writers and Amy Poehler have earned my respect and the right to play out the season with my viewership and loyalty intact.
'30 Rock' is killing it this year btw...

Have fun with 'Lost' tonight. It's a Miles episode, should be interesting.

Monday, April 13, 2009

24 Thoughts from Tonight...

What in the name of Jack Bauer happened? WTF was that?

Wha? Huh? Really? What? Ok....No. No! What? Whatever.....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Thoughts

* I love the Masters. And the weather is perfect for watching golf guilt-free.

* Saturday Night Live hit rock bottom two weeks ago with Seth Rogen. It stayed in the same gutter with Zac Efron. How?
-The new version of Mary Katherine Gallagher with Kirsten Wiig is awful.
-Jon Bovi on Weekend Update
-The lame blogger bit on Weekend Update
-I did laugh some at the cold open -- full disclosure

*Both 'The Office' episodes were very good, not great, not hilarious. Can we just get the Dunder Mifflin band back together soon? I did however enjoy Vikram and Michael Scott's Nana.

*Fell asleep during Parks and Rec -- I don't know if I was tired or it sucks -- you tell me?

*I have so much DVR constipation at this point, I don't know where to start.

*Leonard Nimoy is coming to 'Fringe' - that is cool.

Go Tiger...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lost Thoughts: Exclusive Breakdown from A.K.

Semi-famous Lost-theorist and man of Claven-like knowledge of worthless facts has agreed to spew his Lost theories exclusively for us here at Op-EdTV. So enjoy the mind of A.K., and if he is even remotely close, we are in for some incredible reveals...

Without further ado:
In the temple... that was an image of the smoke monster approaching Anubis, the Egyptian god of the underworld. He is the "Protector of the Dead." I think that explains why, in the smoke, people see images of dead people. I think it also explains the whispers that people hear, which was brought up again last night by Ben to Rousseau. I think that the smoke monster is some kind of tool or servant of Anubis. I think that the four-toed statue is also Anubis.

Other ideas based off of this that I am just guessing about... What we thought was the temple, is just the walls around the temple to hide it, according to Ben. I think the real temple is a pyramid, and based on the time-traveling existence outside of time, I am guessing that it is a fully intact ancient pyramid like those at Giza, but untouched by time. That will be a big visual reveal at some point in time.

Ilana and Caesar (who I don't think is really dead) are two of many that were on the Ajira flight. "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" was their security call to identify the others on the flight that Widmore had hired. If you answered it correctly, they knew you were one of them. They found the Others stash of weapons (because Ben knew what was in the box). Did Widmore tell them what and where to look? I don't know. I thought he was gone before they established a presence on that island, but maybe not). Either way, the weapons were on the side-island and they knew where to find them.

I think that Widmore hired a little mercenary team to be on that flight with the Oceanix Six to help him in getting back to the island. That being said, I think Ilana and Caesar have their own interests in mind. Their physical appearances say Egyptian to me. (Widmore hired Charlotte and Faraday too. They may have been working for him, but they had their own reasons to get back to the island.)

To let me get further carried away...Jacob is Ra, and Richard is Thoth. Check this out for support ( Thoth was the "heart and tongue of Ra" the god of all gods in Egypt. And the means by which Ra spoke. Sounds like Richard. In and of himself not very powerful, but acts as the mouth of the supreme being.

Strangely enough, next week's episode is titled "Some Like It Hoth" (not Thoth), but that seems like a weird title for the episode. The most obvious reference would be Empire Strikes Back (so maybe it's just a throw-away Hurley line).


And there you have. Exclusive. Mind boggling.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wha Happened?

Went to bed at 8 PM last night like I was six years old or something. Turns out the Twins pulled out some amazing win and I missed many shows. But I feel very rested today - even trade off. More tomorrow on 'Lost' and 'Fringe'

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring has Sprung

It might not feel like it outside where you are, but Spring is here - baseball has kicked off and we are heading into series/season finale territory. This is also very exciting because now we get the Mon-Tues-Wed 24/Fringe/Lost trifecta that has been gone since early February -- yeah! All three shows have about 6 episodes left and should be moving into major plot reveal territory which is a lot of fun. Scattered among those shows is the end of 'Gossip Girl' which has clearly had an off year, the final episodes of 'Scrubs' and big endings for 'The Office' and '30 Rock' -- btw, there are two new episodes of 'The Office' this week sandwiching the new 'Parks and Recreation' show. Lets just assume NBC has found another winner here. Finally.

The Twins season started off in poor fashion. As Morneau said last night, "there goes the undefeated season" -- but we'll get back on that horse tonight and the next 200 nights as well...YEAH BASEBALL!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Seth Rogen + SNL Sucks

The sorry state of this program deserves our attention. I quit after weekend update out of pure disgust and hatred. Every watch your once proud -- insert favorite sports team, tv show, or role model -- fade into a former shell of itself? A real-time caricature that won't end? This is getting ever worse.

Funny thing? I get a good laugh out of Jean K. Jean the French comedian. I think its hysterical...but I think maybe its only funny because it is so bad. Other than that, Seth destroyed a promising weekend update again with too much Rod Blago and WAY TOO MUCH Madonna/Jolie. I think the trick has always been the fine line -- how much of something is funny until it becomes tiring? To borrow a Malcolm Gladwell reference, what is the comedy tipping point from clever and/or hilarious to drawn out and boring?

Here is an example. Cold Open. Barry Obama is going to tell America which companies are no longer fit to exist under his administration. Funny. But 5 minutes of saying "Hanes, yes. Fruit of the Loom, no." Really? The bit grew tired fast and then kept going.

The other problem right now is the Andy Samberg 'fart/puke/shit/everyone is gay' that has become so prominent. I think the new mantra around SNL is, "when in doubt, just have two dudes make out. That kills. Worse case, shock em with filth"

Witness 'Fast and the Bi-Curious' and the worst worst worst Digital Short ever. I won't even try to explain it, but just know this, in Andy Samberg's world -- its hilarious for 'a boss' to have sex with a fish in a back alley, not to mention himself. Man, Richard Pryor must be so jealous of this young talent.

I digress. I am not a comedy writer (or much of a writer at all). I am however a 30 year watcher of SNL and someone who enjoys comedy. In both departments I am sad.

Also this -- the cartoon strip characters brought to life to lament the end of newspapers? Almost clever but not funny. I actually think when they did the EXACT SAME THING and brought the Broadway characters to life, it was much more funny.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Life On Mars: Final Thoughts

I should really keep milking this whole 'Life on Mars' epilogue bit -- I had my highest click rate ever yesterday...the internets were buzzing with anger, frustration, and a general need to find some kind of closure. I hope people found the solace they were looking for. After all, it's just TV -- even I know that.

I tuned into 'ER' last night for the finale, I FF'd through 99% of it, watched a few scenes, and then enjoyed the ending -- a long running show like 'ER', with no major revelations or mythology can easily go out with a nice, simple fade-out and everyone will be happy. But what is going to happen when the final black-screen drops on 'Lost'? It's going to be a nightmare on the world wide webs. Whatever they come up will never satisfy lets buy some extra bandwidth and get ready for next May.

Lauren DVR'd two new sitcoms on ABC Family: 'Roommates' and 'Sophie'. We also then tried 'In the Motherhood'. Final verdict on all three? Crap, Crappier, and Crappiest. Wow, makes you appreciate when a new show can actually get you to invest in 1-2 episodes. All three of these shows were so bad I almost wanted to cry and give 'Better of Ted' an Emmy just because I was able to sit through two episodes. Sorry ABC Family, I love me some 'Greek' but the rest of your programming so far doesn't do it for me. I will say this about 'Roommates', if someone wanted to make the world's worst rip off of 'Friends' - this one is it. Mazel.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Life on Mars Finale: Next Day Thoughts

Here is the thing folks, and it's true with all TV shows and films...when the characters aren't real, and the actions and outcomes inevitably have no meaning, then yes, it is very hard to have complete satisfaction or closure. You wanted them to be real. You wanted their actions to mean something.

When Pam Ewing dreamed a whole season in one night - that was very unsatisfying.
When the grandson shook the snow globe in 'St. Elsehwere', that was really unsatisfying.
When Bob Newhart woke up in his old show? That was plain old genius.

I have combed thousands of online 'Mars' comments and most people would have just been happier with him staying in 1973. But let's remember here folks, he did actually work out two key issues in his life in a programmed 2 year dream -- he realized his love for Annie, and he wants to fix things with his father. So it actually did have meaning. There were two versions of his dad -- how he viewed his dad and what he wanted his dad to be. In the end, his 'real dad' killed the dad Sam believed he had -- in his mind, his father was being replaced with the dad he wanted -- and he hugged him in 1973, and then hugged him and apologized in 2035. Very satisfying.
How about Annie as a love interest that lived as a dormant feeling coming to the surface in a dream? Love it. And you know why? Because in real life we have all had dreams that told us something we hadn't thought of or helped us figure something out - in real life, dreams are crazy. We knew this was a dream from the first episode...if you wanted the show to be 'real', then this was the only true explanation -- then what better way to wrap it up then a satisfying ending to a 2 year dream. Who were these people, how did he know them, what issues did it help him work out? It was all there. On a cheezy-looking spaceship where I believe Sasha Obama is a 36 year old President (if I did my math right).

The whole show was very Wizard of Oz, and I liked it. Here is one good comment I stole from a board that does some good explaining as well:

Robbi Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 06:58 AM EST
What you guys who hated the ending being, basically, a dream sequence, aren't taking into account is that there was no possible way it could have been anything else. HELLO! You don't get hit by a car in one year and wake up in another. It was clear from episode one that this was all taking place in Sam's head. That was the cool part. Trying to figure out who these people were to him and why his "mind" cast them in these roles. I think the ending was fantastically done, considering the amount of time they had to work with it. The writers said this was the planned ending all along. They just didn't expect to have to use it so soon. Awesome show and I will miss it!

Finally, speaking of the Wizard of Oz, someone pointed out that Frank Morgan, the head of ground control who was speaking to Major Tom (Gene Hunt's real name...and now we know why there was so much Bowie) is the REAL LIFE name of the character that played the Wizard of Oz in the movie. Very 'Lost' of them....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Life on Mars Finale: Immediate Thoughts

I reserve the right to change my mind over the next day or so as I digest. But of course my first inclination is to say WHAT THE FUCK?
My second inclination is to say -- ok, that was clever and I see what they did.
My third incliniation was to say -- oh, life on mars, I get it...
My fourth inclination is to say -- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?
My fifth inclination is to say -- clever, very clever...I think

Of course when something ends up being completely inside one's imagination, A.K.A., 'Dallas', then you want to yell COP OUT. And I do want to yell "WHY ARE YOU ALIVE BOBBY EWING?"...but I won't -- because it does help to explain a lot of what we watched. This ending does work in a show that only got 17 episodes. If it went on five years I think I would have kicked in my TV....I look forward to the internet reaction tomorrow. But before I can read any of it and let it taint me, I am going to go with this final inclination:
It was a good show, lots of fun, good acting, great music, good stories, and a satisfying-enough ending that was a little out there but very entertaining none-the-less. There is little left to interpretation and that's a good thing too. I liked it.