Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fringe is Growing on Me (and You)...

Fringe, at 13.36 million viewers, picked up a 48 percent increase over its week-ago debut. This would be due to carry over from 'House'. And if you could make it past the disgusting opening scene in 'Fringe', then you were locked in. I like this show.


Anonymous said...

"I like this show" is all you had to say about this? Nothing on how awesome John Noble's character is? Best line of the show: "do you have any cocaine?" Nothing about how the ambiguously hot lead character? Not even an observation on how so far each episode has started with a sex scene in a hotel room? REALLY?

Seriously, c'mon now. You can throw down 367 words on the Golden Girls but somehow can't pinch off a complete paragraph on what could be the best thing to happen to prime time TV since Battlestar Galactica? Oh wait, you don't watch that either.


EdHoffman (Twitter handle: eahoffma) said...

OP-ED says: Yes, Fringe deserves more of a write up. Lets actually let it evolve for a few weeks before we all start...well, I will leave that quote to Mr. Wolf (see Fiction, Pulp).
This show has a chance to be excellent, it is well on its way -- lets see where the writers take the stories and the characters.