Friday, April 11, 2008

Thursday Night Rewind

I will start on a down note. I didn't like '30 Rock' at all. I don't know if I was expecting more out of MILF Island or what, but I thought the episode was kind of dumb. Outside of an unfortunate set of circumstances involving a vending machine, the episode just wasn't very funny.
I just think the anticipation and yearning led to such a build up in my mind about how great it might be that first time that it could never be as perfect as I would have hoped. And I didn't like the episode either. Hey-O.

On the other hand, 'The Office' killed. I once wrote that the show only seems to work when it stays within the four walls of Dunder-Mifflin. Last night threw that notion right out the window. The episode was so clever, so funny, so subtle, and so uncomfortable that I cannot wait to watch it a second time. And I can't wait for the first time I get to describe a glass of wine as having an 'oaky afterbirth'. I also would like to get me a Michael Scott plasma TV for my living room.

'Scrubs' was as solid as ever -- funny, comfortable, and entertaining. I am so glad it will be back for one more year. 'Scrubs' isn't breaking any new comedy barriers these days, and might even be going through the motions a bit, but the characters are so familiar and consistent, even after 8+ years. You cannot say that about a lot of shows. Can you?

The Minnesota Wild 3-2 overtime loss on Wednesday night scored an 11.3 rating (192,857 households) and 22 share on TV here in MPLS-STP beating every show in the market including "American Idol" (10.3/19). Now that is Minnesota for you. The NHL should put that story in every press release from here until the end of time. I bet its the first thing EVER to beat Idol. Ever. Someone prove me wrong.

Just for fun, on the same night, "the Twins' 12-5 victory over the White Sox had a strong 8.9 rating and 16 share on WFTC (Ch. 29); the woeful Wolves' 122-90 loss to New Orleans managed a minuscule 0.1 rating (1,707 households) with a 0 share."

Go Wolves!!! 1707 houses in the whole frickin market had that game on while perhaps 5000 people were in attendance. The NBA, it's Fan-tastic.

**Information provided by the Star Trib.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

agree on 30rock. tho i did laugh at the 'de-bor-ah' pronunciation and synergy stuff. also: at least they didn't make jack out to be dumb, which is the classic mistake they make from time to time.

disagree on the office being that genius. some classic stuff, obviously (wine quip (as noted), dipping his food in his glass / soft teeth, and OF COURSE the 'house tour' stuff and i suppose jan dancing to that crazy music), but the part that's weird is that the whole episode was very dehumanizing. (i hope, right?) the stuff that really works on 'the office' is when they twist it just enough that you go 'noooo' but then it's real in the end. like remember when michael turned out to be a good salesguy? or the sad videos of him as a kid? of course you do. this one was a little to surreal for me. don't get me wrong, i got it for what it was (cringeworthy to the max, which is certainly fun enough), but it wasn't genious top of their game or anything. in my opinion. i rest my case.