Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Another post with some interesting news:

'How I Met Your Mother' is back next week, and it still has not been renewed for next season which is beyond silly. The show does well, has a very nice following, and helps to keep CBS's audience under the median age of 65.

So here is the scoop. Alicia Silverstone was cast in a multi-arc to play Ted's dentist -- the rumors started flying that she would become the future Mrs. Ted Mosbey. THEN, the producers cast Britney Spears (brutal ratings stunt) to play the hygenist. Well...Silverstone dropped out and was replaced by Sarah Chalke (Scrubs) who is only available for one episode -- so the whole dentist is Ted's wife thing is now out the door. So pretty much a Spears stunt-cast has potentially thrown off the whole trajectory of the show. Interesting at best.

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