Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Brothers and Sisters Talk

We finished up Sunday's B+S last night. Again, very dramatic - my god they are going to drag out this Justin injury for all its worth I bet. They even threw in the 'is Justin dead' tease at the beginning of the show just for some overkill. What they don't realize is that TVguide or TIVO or whatever you have on-screen already told you in the mini-synopsis that Justin was coming home.

Do you think there is a way to turn off the on-screen program guide? I only want it to tell me what the show is, and if its new. The rest I would prefer to learn for myself. During 24, you could go out like three weeks to see what is generally going to happen. I refuse to try that trick with 'Lost'.

It's good to see Rob Lowe really streching as an actor. If anyone can point out to me anything different between his West Wing/Lyons Den/B+S character besides their names, I would be interested in hearing about it. So really, its just like a watching a Sam Seaborn dates Ally McBeal spin-off. Because really, Calista isn't really doing anything different either other than she can't see a dancing baby this time. I digress.

Terrible news to report....Per, Chevy Chase has signed on to do a few episodes this year playing an old friend of Nora. I am surprised he was available. I wonder if he will be playing a former funny-man turned angry jackass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"... a former funny-man turned angry jackass"

Are we talking about Chevy Chase or you? ;-)

Seriously, good breakdown on Lowe - seems like ever since "Youngblood" he's been so one dimensional...