Saturday, December 29, 2007


Somehow father-in-law parlayed a freezer with an overly loud icemaker into HDTV, Digital Cable, and a DVR. Not sure how it played out, all I know is that the owner of this place felt bad about a couple of things and next thing I knew the TV picture looked a lot clearer. Maybe this guy works for the cable company? I looked at the DVR and it was already 35% full of Disney Channel tweener shows. That pretty much means he went home, ripped his own family room DVR out of the wall, and left the house to the sounds of crying kids who would not be watching Hannah Montana that evening so that his favorite renters here in Florida could rest easier. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
I also told Lauren that if we ever had a rental property, we would not be making renter concessions that involve television-related accessories.
This little change in plans allowed for the Hoffman's to have a wonderful day at the pool followed by a DVR'd Badgers Hoop game where Texas was upset at home by the Cardinal and White. It was awesome, and the cheering came at an audible of zero as Tessa was napping.

MOVIE PICK OF THE DAY: Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. It's good, stupid at times, but those times are forgotten because Jenna Fisher from The Office is so smokin hot and John C. Reilley is fantastic and the songs are so well done. It was a really funny and clever film. The scene in India with the Beatles was fantasic. And here is something I might never say again: Tim Meadows was really funny.

Also, the Stripper book is great. Full breakdown coming soon I am sure.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Vacation House TV Breakdown

Living the high life out here in Bonita Springs, FLA for the next 12 days. Thats right, 12 days. Don't even think of robbing my casa though, I got 2 security systems, neighbors on the lookout, and absolutely nothing worth taking anyway.

The in-laws rented a place in a compound community half way between Fort Myers and Naples. I think this location would be useful for me if say I wanted to finally make it out to Spring Training. Someday that will happen I hope. For now, it will have to serve as my escape from crappy weather.

Its new construction so my hope was that it would have wireless internet and perhaps some decent televisions. It was happily correct on both accounts.

The one in my room is about 9 inches, and the TV is 12 (hey-oh)...I won't be watching that set. I brought a book and am going to try to re-teach myself how to read. In the living room we have a nice Vizio HD 46" flat panel -- bingo. ONE FUCKING PROBLEM -- only basic cable. Who am I, Dave Cecchi?

HDTV + Basic Cable = distorted pixilated basic cable with about 45 channels and no on-screen programming guide, no pause, no rewind...its like living in 2003 all over again and I am scared. How did people used to do it?
I am kidding of course, I am going to make it. I'm just saying, if you're going to go 75%, finish the frickin job compound condo owner.

Also this - haven't watched any TV yet because its 80 and awesome.
Final random thought of the holiday season -- the more time I spend using the pause and rewind feature on the DVR, the more I expect to be able to use it in other places in life. Sometimes I would like to playback something I heard on the radio or something the Mrs. said because I wasn't listening. I am not getting all 'bad Adam Sandler movie about a guy with a remote control whose name I can't remember...Click, yes, thats it', this is for real -- a lot of times my initial reaction is to want to do that, and then I realize I can't. Stupid habits.

Safe new years to all...enjoy the 900 syndicated 2007 year in review shows between now and next Tuesday. I will be rocking it at the Outback Bowl on new years day Wisco style.

Monday, December 24, 2007

New Obsession

My new obession for this vacation and holiday break is going to be Diablo Cody. Why not. I like Minneapolis, I like strippers, I like books, I like movies, and I like very witty pop-culture-laden-80s-reference-driven writing. So why not get into this whole thing while 'Juno' makes its rounds as the best movie of 2007 according to a lot of people, many of which say things like that for a living.
Do I want a sleazy guy looking for porn to stumble upon my blog and then get me a book deal like six months later and then get me a movie where my first screenplay gets made and almost zero changes are made to the original script? Um, yes.
But I doubt this will be happening anytime soon, and if you've read some of her work lately you would know the press tour has forced her from any good, solid TV watching.
So all that being said, I am running through her past postings and I am fascinated by her wit and direct writing style. So, I will go read her book at the pool in Florida and see the movie one night when the in-laws let me out. And then I will tell people it was a good book and a good movie and I will tell people that she wrote the movie in the Target by my house -- because she wrote the movie in a Starbucks within a suburban Target in Minneapolis in 2006 and I have to assume that my odds are pretty good that it was Plymouth Super Target -- so I am just going to go with that. Then I will come home, write about it a little, and then move on. Such is life. Next...

Also this...T-Jax blows and I don't like when people say that he is still learning on the job so he should be cut a break. Of course he is learning on the job, that doesn't change the fact that he makes terrible decisions, has shitty mechanics, and isn't ready to take his team to the next level and would get us crushed in a playoff game. This town is always about 'next year' and 'the future' and 'winning the right way'. I was too for a long time. Now I would just like to win, thank you. Its been 16 years thank you very much since this town 'won' anything significantly professionally. And never if you just count sports that involve balls made of pigs. I think Chilly, Sid, and the Twins turned us into those people - its a defense mechanism to help us deal with Luis Castillo trades mid-season and the dumping of Garnett for a solid youngster who no one taught to play defense yet. I digress I guess.
But know this, after two straight national TV night games, the nation is laughing at us and wondering when Adrian Peterson will sign with the Patriots.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Midseason Shows...

What's coming up after the holidays in this strike-driven TV universe?

Our friends at would love to tell you all about your options:


For you Idol Dorks -- here is the schedule you need to populate your BlackBerry calendars with. Don't forget to set the 15 minute reminder...

Tuesday, Jan. 15, and Wednesday, Jan. 16: Two-part season premiere

Jan. 22, 23, 29 and 30, Feb. 5 and 6: Audition episodes

Feb. 13: Hollywood round, Part 2 (top 24 announced)

Feb. 21: First results show (two males, two females booted)

March 6: Results show (top 12 revealed)

Tis the Season...

There are plenty of blogs out there that blog about other blogs. How meta can you get? This is someone elses bit that I am borrowing for the opener, but my point here is that I am about to tell you again that this blog post is about how hard it is to post when there is very little to blog about.
How would the politicos and the Drudges of the world fill interweb space if politics went on strike or all major celebs/politicans actually didn't break the law so often? They wouldn't. They would write posts that say, "I wish I had something to say but unfortunately Washington is on strike and no congressmen were involved in the knocking up of Jamie Lynn Spears...

Wait! A topic I can run with, and I bet no one has commented on her pregnancy yet on the internet. It's good to the be the first. Basically my take comes down to this - Lauren told me at first that she just figured this story would go away. I asked her to name another A,B,C, or even D list teen celeb who got knocked up and DECIDED TO KEEP IT! I have no doubts that the young Hollywood A-list has terminated several pregnancies to keep reputations and careers moving forward...I am just saying in this case, you already have a sterotypical Southern Trailer Trash family taking it to a whole 'nother level - down to the fact that the father is a 19 year old pipelayer, son of a mill worker and she wants to raise the kid in Louisiana so it will have a 'normal life'. I suppose that is better than the way her sister is (is not) raising her children. But who am I to give parenting advice. My kids are watching Scooby Doo and the highlight of their week was going to the movies to see Chimpmunks fart on people and poop on the couch.

Gossip Girl is still on - so we had something original to watch this week. As stated here earlier, each week: same show, different outfits.

My people in the reality TV world are telling me that Real Housewives is brutal this year and Lauren hasn't been watching Project Runway so I can't speak to that one even third-hand at this point.

American Gladiators is about to begin on NBC -- I highly recommend you spent about 4 miunutes on their website ( and check out the new gladiators and their names. It is almost too cute for words that they brought this show back.

Cashmiere Mafia vs. Lipstick Jungle. I am actually going to watch both of these shows so I can fairly compare and contrast them for you right here in this space EVERY WEEK. Or once maybe. But since (as mentioned before) there is very little to watch, I may have to sink down into these programs.

Lost will be back for 8 episodes toward the end of January - thank god.

Normally I watch about 16 hours of college basketball per week too, but with no BIG 10 NETWORK on Comcast, I am nominiating this to be the worst TV period ever in the history of mankind since or at least since Johnny left to let that douchebag Leno take over. Speaking of which - Leno comes back sans writers after the new year. Maybe he will be funnier when he is forced to write his own material like he was in the early 80's when he was very, very funny.

merryludacrismas everyone.

Friday, December 14, 2007

30 Rocked

I have heard mixed reviews today of last night's 30 Rock. I am giving it a thumbs up. First of all, I will be wishing everyone a very merry Ludachristmas from now on, and I love Jack's mom. Her loving dispproval is perfect and who doesn't love the talented Elaine Strich?
Lemon's parents on the other hand? Cute. It was a cute bit. And Liz's comment that its been smooth sailing since Carter left office and Jack quickly agreeing was well played. I also loved all the Cherie/writers banter about the holiday party. If you are a Kenneth hater, then I can see where this show went south for you. If you enjoy Kenneth, then you probably agree that it was a pretty good holiday episode.
I am sure we can all agree though that the 30 Rock American Express funtime commercials blow and are not funny. Points for trying the integrated marketing approach...Negative points because they aren't funny.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Timely and Timeless

There has been nothing to watch. Literally. Save for ESPN and Sunday football, there has not been much to look forward to. Lauren and I have kncked out about 4 episodes of 'Las Vegas'. That show is like Chineese Food -- goes down quick and easy and 30 minutes later you want something else. Tom Selleck is on now and he pretty much brings absolutely nothing to the table. There was an episode featuring a Bar Matizvah party, and I think the name of the family was the STEREOTYPESTEINS from New York. My god was it annoying bordering on offensive at times. We also paused the DVR to deduce that since they were checking in the hotel at 8 AM on a Saturday morning according to the show's timeline, then they must have caught that very popular 3 AM flight out of La Guardia on a Friday night. Nice job writers.

Looks like we have one 30 Rock left on Thursday, and then whatever the networks have left, or have been saving, will make its appearance in 2008. So goodbye fall TV season, we hardly knew ye. Perhaps I will get bored one afternoon and recap, we shall see.

'How I Met Your Mother' was new last night, and it was great (as usual) - and timely! I have been yearning for something to watch that doesn't involve David Caruso, Tom Selleck or Jason Lee. That show has outdone itself this year in the clever department and last night was a great example. Taking us from the present day to earlier this year to last year to the year before in 4 stories was handled flawlessly and all the stories were entertaining. And as usual, Barney kept the show moving with another of his sayings/rules/situations. Well done CBS for giving this show another chance -- this third season has been its best so far.

Final TV son has a new fascination. Scooby Doo. It started with two books, one about Scooby and one about Batman. When I told him that I remember they met on TV once, he implored me to find it. As luck would have it, Cartoon Network shows Scooby Doo about 34 times per day, so it didn't take much searcing to find the old classic, 'Scooby Doo Meets Batman and Robin'. It was just as I remembered it too, and it all came rushing back so fast - especially after we watched it for a 22nd time this week. It was a like an old pair of shoes or finding an old yearbook that jogged the memory. I pictured myself coming home from school, turining on good old channel 29, adjusting the antenna, and watching the only cartoon that was on at the time - right before Gilligans Island was starting. Those were the days -- less choices so more appreciation of what was available.
Well the kicker here is that this episode of Scooby is from 1972 -- originally aired 2 years before my birth, and 35 years later is as entertaining and relevant as it was then. The clothes were odd (we're still not wearing ascots), but the story of good and evil rings true and the Mystery Machine is never out of place. We have been watching more episodes now, some that date back to 1969, and many whose plots I remember vividly once the show gets going. Its amazing -- to Max, it might as well have been made yesterday and its no different to him than Shrek or any of that drek (rhyme) on Noggin. I guess Scooby Doo is in fact the true defintion of 'timeless'

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Not Much To Say...

Not a lot going on in the TV world right now to write about. The strike is still going which means we will get 8 episodes of Lost this year, no 24, and if this thing keeps on going into January - most likely we won't have a fall season in the fall.

I was not feeling all that well this week so I was home for 1.5 days. I did catch up on 10 episodes of 'My Name is Earl'. It's a clever show. It goes by quickly and it's very well acted. The funny thing is, Jamie Pressly is the best part of that show, and just a few short years ago I thought of her as a worthless ex-playboy centerfold who only did crappy B-Movies like 'Poison Ivy 2' and made very anti-semetic cracks on the Howard Stern show. I think she is probably still all of those things, but she is also fabulous and hillarious as Joy and makes that show worth watching (along with Randy and Darnell).

I also watched about 5 episodes of 'CSI: Miami' because they are all available in Comcast On-Demand. This show is fucking terrible. Its shot in bright pastel hues, David Carruso is ridiculous, and you don't even get to help solve the crime as they just drop new evidence in every 10 minutes and then wrap up the case. Half of the show is spent showing someone working in the lab to techno music and odd camera angles and split screens for the sake of odd camera angles and split screens. What a stupid show. No more for me.

Gossip Girl was good again last night -- it seems to be a re-hash of the same show every week more or less, but its fun to watch and pretty harmless. For escapism I give it a solid 10.

We do have new Scrubs and 30 Rock tonight -- so enjoy them while you can!!!